Sydney Smith was a Mission Discovery staff in Nassau, Bahamas and years ago a high school student on a Mission Discovery project in Mexico. She sent me this request tonight:
I have a class in my graduate program on Servant Leadership where I have to interview some church leaders. Would you be one of the "subjects" of my papers? It's only 6 questions!
Here's my quick reply:
1) How did you come to realize you had a place of leadership in the church? I started working with students as a Youth for Christ volunteer in Huntsville, Alabama. I enjoyed the work, had some gifts that I discovered that worked well in youth ministry. YFC has excellent training that still benefits me today.
2) How would you characterize your leadership style? I would characterize it as encourager, coach, visionary, and servant. Willing to take the worst job.
3) How do you see yourself as a servant-leader? "Servant leadership" comes from the model of Jesus washing the disciples feet. Notice that in the verses that preceded the event, "Knowing where he cam from and whose he was." Knowing that my home is not here, my identity is not tied to me being a citizen of the U.S., I can take any job, even the lowest.
4) What kinds of conflicts have you dealt with as a church leader? Misunderstandings, adult leaders wanting to be youth leaders who are simply extending their adolescence, breaking of confidences by others, unresolved hurt, and egos.
5) What spiritual disciplines do you practice to keep the flame alive? I pray constantly, read books including the Bible, watch inspiring movies, teaching classes and speaking keep me sharp, I have met weekly with a group of 8 men for 10 years for accountability.
6) Any advice for someone who is answering a call to Christian leadership? The word "answering" is a great word. It denotes a continuing event, that God continues to "Call" all the time. I like the verse written in Revelation 3:20, Jesus is speaking and says that he is knocking on the door and if anyone hears His voice he will come in and eat and drink with you! That verse was written to believers. All of us have doors that God is knocking on. After that door is opened to God, He goes to the next door. I tend to think that the reward for opening one door, is the next hardest door. That has proved true for me. Each call, each door, is harder, but fully possible because nothing is impossible for God!
2) How would you characterize your leadership style? I would characterize it as encourager, coach, visionary, and servant. Willing to take the worst job.
3) How do you see yourself as a servant-leader? "Servant leadership" comes from the model of Jesus washing the disciples feet. Notice that in the verses that preceded the event, "Knowing where he cam from and whose he was." Knowing that my home is not here, my identity is not tied to me being a citizen of the U.S., I can take any job, even the lowest.
4) What kinds of conflicts have you dealt with as a church leader? Misunderstandings, adult leaders wanting to be youth leaders who are simply extending their adolescence, breaking of confidences by others, unresolved hurt, and egos.
5) What spiritual disciplines do you practice to keep the flame alive? I pray constantly, read books including the Bible, watch inspiring movies, teaching classes and speaking keep me sharp, I have met weekly with a group of 8 men for 10 years for accountability.
6) Any advice for someone who is answering a call to Christian leadership? The word "answering" is a great word. It denotes a continuing event, that God continues to "Call" all the time. I like the verse written in Revelation 3:20, Jesus is speaking and says that he is knocking on the door and if anyone hears His voice he will come in and eat and drink with you! That verse was written to believers. All of us have doors that God is knocking on. After that door is opened to God, He goes to the next door. I tend to think that the reward for opening one door, is the next hardest door. That has proved true for me. Each call, each door, is harder, but fully possible because nothing is impossible for God!