Planning is going well for the projects in the Rio Grande Valley near the cities of Alamo, Donna, Weslaco, Pharr and McAllen, Texas. Mission Discovery staff spent two days on the ground last week and Stan Horrell is returning next week to finalize some plans we have initiated. There is an agency connected with building projects for the poor and offer a great partnership for us to quickly connect with the needs of the county. We have also been invited by the Baptist Association to consider leading seminars for pastors. Most of the pastors in the Association do not have any formal training and are looking for ways to learn from others.
We are looking at the possibility of returning with a few leaders two or three nights during your week to do that. That would really be unique to the Mission Discovery experience. We have also been asked to host a neighborhood party serving food and presenting Christ with the students. The invitations went on an on.
There are over 900 colonias in Hidalgo County alone. While the homes are some what larger than what you are use to seeing in Reynosa, these homes are still in terrible condition. So all that to say, it went really well. Some of the extra events could be challenging, but we were excited about the trust level given to Mission Discovery church leaders.
We also laid the plan to continue our work in Mexico this summer from the U.S. side. We met with our broker and she explained that a constructed house is much easier to cross that the parts that we normally cross. Teams will build the wall panels for the Mexico houses, then they will be transported by truck to Reynosa.
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