Monday, February 8, 2010

How I Droped the Ball-Another Haiti Story

Yesterday I was asked by my friend Don Bruce to speak in his Sunday school class about Mission Discovery 's work in Haiti.

Don, a pilot, had just flown a group of doctors to Port au Prince, dropped them off, then flew to Cape Haitian to pick up 5 orphans who had adoptive parents waiting form them in Sarasota, Florida. Don talked first about his journey. It was a riveting story with every element of drama, man's mistakes and God's perfect timing. Click here for the video story of Don's flight.

Joe Earnest, a friend who had just returned with me from Haiti, did a great job telling what he saw and how Mission Discover was perfectly placed for a the long term ministry ahead.

Now it was my turn, and I resolved this: what good was it to tell people about Haiti, unless there was something they personally could do?

I want to apologize to my friends in Haiti, my talk motivated a gift of $20.00 to purchase 50 pounds of rice. That gift from a great friend who has been with Mission Discovery to Jamaica and seen our work first hand.

I had so much rolling through my mind and 10 minutes to talk about it all. The current needs of one single orphanage, a pastor named Timothy who lives in a truck beside the church (pictured right) because his home is destroyed, and lost 20 members of his congregation in the earthquake. Our friend Pastor Chavenes whose school collapsed on 400 children, all killed. Evans, who lives behind the Mission Discovery office in a tent in Port au Prince with his nephew whose parents are still buried beneath the rubble of their home. Our friend, Dr. Cherelus Exante, who has the task of ministering to over 45 churches in his New Haitian Mission Baptist Association. The development of a micro-lending effort to help Haitians fund good business ideas, etc. The needs of Haiti are just overwhelming!

(To the right is Mission Discovery HOLD the Children Children's Home located in Port de Paix, Haiti will soon be filled with children from Port au Prince)

I had been working on an email all week and had hit a block, but came home motivated to give friends in Haiti a better shot. On my mind were those friends I mention and a projected $750,000 in projected spending to do our part in Haiti's recovery. The email is out and people are responding! Obviously I write better than I speak!

Not only will Mission Discovery be working in Haiti, but in the Dominican Republic, where a flood of refugees are crossing to find hope and safety. Our network of Haitian pastors in the Dom. Republic are connected to the needs and teams will minister there. (left-I caught this shot of a Haitian woman falling trough the gate entering the Dominican Rep. from Haiti praising God)

We once had a worship leader at an event who shamed kids for not worshiping. After the artist left the stage I said, "They are not bad worshipers, you're a bad leader." He's my Facebook friend now. That's as close as he wants to be.

Sunday it was a great class, a good group of people, ready to make a difference. I know them and their hearts. You had a bad communicator-me. I'll do better next time....promise!

On our departure I had a nice chat with CNN's Dr. Sange Gupta and Gary Tuchman. Good people telling a difficult story. Anderson Cooper and Dr. Gupta are traveling back to Haiti today to continue their coverage.

Looks like I'm headed back to Haiti this week to get materials together for the construction of bunk beds at the Mission Discovery office in Port au Prince. I'd appreciate your prayers. Here's the Mission Discovery office in Port au Prince that will house teams. We understand there is a proposed feeding center coming next door to the office that will feed 500 each day. Perfectly positioned for His perfect work!


vagabond poet said...

Maury, Haitian Street Kids (, Michael Brewer, can certainly relate with your blog. He has been in Haiti for over a decade helping the orphaned and restavek children of Haiti.

Please pray about connecting with Michael when you return to Haiti. All four of our humble housing units were destroyed in the earthquake and two of our precious kids were killed. Follow this link to hear Michael telling the tragic story of our little hero's, Chelo, passing.

Our vision is to someday dedicate a classroom for rescued restavek kids in his memory.

I appreciate your ministry and your servant leadership at its helm. I pray that you will be able to contact Michael and that you will be able to encourage one another.

Bless you my brother,

Michael Clearman
Dir. of Development
Haitian Street Kids

Mission Discovery said...

Thanks for the tip. I'd love to connect. Watched the video.