Thursday, October 30, 2008

Jamaica Project Report

The verdict in in and it's "Guilty". 48 adults from Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina and even London, England just concluded a final day of work here with Mission Discovery in Montego Bay, Jamaica and they are "Guilty" of having done an incredible work in the name of Jesus!

Teams worked at Jamaica Christian School for the Deaf, Blossom Garden Children's Home and Victory Christian Fellowship School this week. They mixed concrete, held babies, gave out hundreds of shoes to children, installed windows and doors and left the project sites today saying what countless others have said, "We received so much more than we gave!"

This Saturday, November 1, marks Mission Discovery's 17th birthday and there couldn't have been a better party that seeing the scripture in action this week. Thanks to all of you who poured out your lives to the poor this week!

1 comment:

Karla said...

Happy birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday MIsison Discovery! Happy Birthday to you!!